

Aktuálny prehľad balíčkov a programov satelitnej platformy DIGI TV. Nechýbajú tiež technické parametre pre príjem, ktoré sa budú určite hodiť nielen užívateľom s CAM modulmi.

Prevádzkovateľom platformy DIGI TV je slovenská spoločnosť Digi Slovakia, ktorú vlastní Slovak Telekom. Nová ponuka DIGI TV je dostupná oficiálne od 1. mája 2014. Zákazníkom ponúka dva základné programové balíčky Štandard (9,6 €) a Maxi (12,9 €). K akémukoľvek základnému balíčku si môžu zákazníci predplatiť aj jeden z troch prémiových balíčkov Extra HU+ (3,3 €), Extra HBO (6 €) či Extra HBO GO (7 €).
Pokračovanie nižšie:

K cene programovým balíčkom je nutné pripočítať ešte aj prenájom zariadenia (1,5 € mesačne). Operátor aktuálne ponúka satelitné HD prijímače Kaon NA 1170 alebo CAM moduly, ktoré si môžu zákazníci vložiť do voľného CI slotu akéhokoľvek boxu, prípade TV so satelitným tunerom. Podmienkou je aby podporoval štandard DVB-S2 a zvuk vo formáte AAC. Podrobnosti o satelitnom prijímači môžete nájsť v našom teste.

Pokiaľ chcete vedieť vždy aktuálne novinky a ďalšie zaujímavé informácie o DIGI TV, odporúčame Vám sledovať túto našu špeciálnu stránku.

Ak máte problém so službou, alebo Vám nefungujú niektoré programy, možno Vám pomôže tento článok: DIGI TV: Niektoré problémy vyriešia zákazníci jednou SMS správou

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  • Programová ponuka satelitnej DIGI TV

    Počet TV a rádio staníc: 156, posledná aktualizácia zoznamu: 20.11.2024
    ŠtandardCT 2 HD, Dvojka HD, 24, JOJ HD, Plus HD, Dajto HD, CT 1 HD, DIGI Infokanal, Nova International, Markiza Klasik, Wau HD, Doma HD, Prima SK, Markiza Krimi, TA3 HD, Markiza HD, CT 24 HD, Jednotka HD, JOJ 24 HD, Sport 2 HD (SVT), Viasat Explore HD, Fashion TV, Strike TV, Premier Sport 3 HD, Disney Channel (SVT), Kino Barrandov, JOJ Svet HD, DVTV EXTRA, Minimax (SVT), JOJ Sport HD (SVT), TLC, Viasat History HD, Film+ SK, Spektrum SK HD, AMC SK HD, Arena Sport HD, Animal Planet HD, Nova Sport 1 HD, Travel Channel HD, ID, Viasat Nature HD, TV Lux HD, Nova Sport 2 HD, Sport 1 HD, Discovery Channel HD, TV RiK, CNN Prima News HD, Eurosport 1 HD, Eurosport 2 HD, NGC HD, Fishing&Hunting, CT D/ CT Art HD, SPORT HD, TV, Lala TV, Nat Geo Wild HD, Nickelodeon Czech (SVT), Love Nature HD, U tv, Slager Original, Music Channel, CNN, SuperOne, Prima COOL SK, MTV Europe, MTV 00s., TV Folklorika, Senzi (SVT), Prima Krimi HD, Sky News, Al Jazeera English, Ocko
    Premiumducktv ( SVT), Nicktoons CZ (SVT), TV Spark, Nova Sport 3 HD, Food Network, BBC Earth HD (STV), Filmbox Basic, JimJam (SVT), Filmbox Stars CZ (SVT), Spektrum Home (SVT), PREMIER SPORT 1 CZ HD, Crime and Investigation, Tuki TV HD, Cartoon Network, Disney Junior, Golf Channel, JOJ Cinema HD, Epic Drama HD, Nova Sport 4 HD, FilmBox Premium HD, FightBox, DocuBox, CANAL+ Action HD, PREMIER SPORT 2 SK HD, CS Film, Auto Motor Sport, CANAL+ Sport HD, Filmbox Extra HD, Filmbox Family, Nick Jr Czech (SVT), MTV Hits., club MTV., MTV 80s., MTV 90s., Dusk TV, Eroxxx
    Extra HBOHBO 3 HD, HBO 2 HD, HBO HD
    PlatinumNova Sport 5 SK HD, Nova Sport 6 HD, Film Europe, Cinemax HD, Cinemax 2 HD, Travel XP, MEN.TV
    History PAN EURO HD_ENC, Prima LOVE SK, Vixen HD
    Extra HU+SuperTV2 (SVT), TV2 HD (SVT), Prime (SVT), STORY 4 SVT, M2 HD (SVT), TV2Klub (SVT), Comedy Central Hungary, Nickelodeon Hungary ( SVT), TV4 (SVT), Nick Jr Hungary (SVT), VIASAT 3, VIASAT 6, Galaxy4, Film 4, ATV (SVT), M4 HD, Duna HD, Cool (SVT), Film+ HD, Slager TV, Hir TV, M1 HD, M5 (SVT), TV2 Sef (SVT), RTL HAROM (SVT), Sorozat+ (SVT), Muzsika TV (SVT), RTL GOLD (SVT), RTL KETTO HD, RTL HD, Duna World / M4 Sport+ (SVT)
    FTA (0,8°W)CGTN HD, CGTN Documentary HD, TV8, NASA

    Programy v DIGI TV triedené podľa žánru

    Počet TV a rádio staníc: 156, posledná aktualizácia zoznamu: 20.11.2024
    HudbaU tv, Music Channel, Slager TV, MTV Europe, MTV 00s., MTV Hits., club MTV., MTV 80s., MTV 90s., Muzsika TV (SVT), Senzi (SVT), Slager Original, TV Folklorika, Ocko
    Pre dospelýchSuperOne, Vixen HD, Eroxxx, MEN.TV, Dusk TV
    SprávyHir TV, M1 HD, CGTN HD, Al Jazeera English, Sky News, ATV (SVT), 24, CT 24 HD, TA3 HD, CNN Prima News HD, JOJ 24 HD, CNN
    Filmy/SeriályGalaxy4, VIASAT 3, VIASAT 6, Prime (SVT), SuperTV2 (SVT), RTL HAROM (SVT), HBO HD, Prima Krimi HD, Markiza Krimi, HBO 2 HD, HBO 3 HD, AMC SK HD, CS Film, CANAL+ Action HD
    FilmFilm 4, Film+ HD, Filmbox Stars CZ (SVT), Filmbox Basic, FilmBox Premium HD, JOJ Cinema HD, Cinemax HD, Cinemax 2 HD, Film Europe, Film+ SK, Filmbox Extra HD, Filmbox Family
    VšeobecnýNASA, Duna World / M4 Sport+ (SVT), RTL HD, RTL KETTO HD, M2 HD (SVT), TV2 HD (SVT), Duna HD, Jednotka HD, Dvojka HD, Markiza HD, JOJ HD, Plus HD, CT 1 HD, CT 2 HD, Markiza Klasik, Kino Barrandov, DVTV EXTRA, Prima SK, Wau HD, Nova International, TV
    DokumentHistory PAN EURO HD_ENC, Fishing&Hunting, CGTN Documentary HD, Nat Geo Wild HD, Love Nature HD, BBC Earth HD (STV), NGC HD, DocuBox, JOJ Svet HD, Viasat Explore HD, TV Spark, TLC, Viasat Nature HD, Discovery Channel HD, Crime and Investigation, Viasat History HD, Spektrum SK HD, Animal Planet HD, Travel Channel HD, ID, Travel XP
    SeriályComedy Central Hungary, Sorozat+ (SVT), Epic Drama HD
    ZábavaCool (SVT), TV4 (SVT), RTL GOLD (SVT), Strike TV
    Pre detiNick Jr Czech (SVT), Nickelodeon Czech (SVT), Nickelodeon Hungary ( SVT), Nick Jr Hungary (SVT), Nicktoons CZ (SVT), ducktv ( SVT), Disney Channel (SVT), Minimax (SVT), JimJam (SVT), Cartoon Network, Disney Junior, Tuki TV HD, TV RiK, Lala TV
    Pre ženySTORY 4 SVT, TV2Klub (SVT), Doma HD, Prima LOVE SK
    KultúraM5 (SVT)
    O vareníTV2 Sef (SVT), Food Network
    LifestyleSpektrum Home (SVT)
    ŠportM4 HD, Sport 2 HD (SVT), JOJ Sport HD (SVT), PREMIER SPORT 2 SK HD, Nova Sport 4 HD, Eurosport 1 HD, Eurosport 2 HD, FightBox, PREMIER SPORT 1 CZ HD, Nova Sport 3 HD, Premier Sport 3 HD, Nova Sport 2 HD, Sport 1 HD, Golf Channel, Nova Sport 6 HD, Arena Sport HD, Nova Sport 5 SK HD, Nova Sport 1 HD, SPORT HD, Auto Motor Sport, CANAL+ Sport HD
    Pre mužovDajto HD, Prima COOL SK
    Pre veriacichTV Lux HD
    MódaFashion TV
    Pre deti/KultúraCT D/ CT Art HD
    Info o službeDIGI Infokanal

    Frekvencie programov z ponuky DIGI TV (SK)

    Názov programuDružicaFrekvenciaPol.FECSRNorma/Modulácia
    FTA U tv (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12687 MHzH3/427500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV SuperOne (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12723 MHzH3/427500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Hir TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12130 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    FTA Galaxy4 (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12130 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Film 4 (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12130 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV VIASAT 3 (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12092 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV VIASAT 6 (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12092 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    FTA NASA (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12687 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV History PAN EURO HD_ENC (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12687 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    FTA Music Channel (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11900 MHzH5/628000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Fishing&Hunting (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11900 MHzH5/628000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Slager TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11900 MHzH5/628000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV M1 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11823 MHzH5/630000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    FTA CGTN HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12418 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    FTA CGTN Documentary HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12418 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    FTA Al Jazeera English (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12418 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    FTA Sky News (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12418 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Comedy Central Hungary (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12226 MHzV5/627500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV MTV Europe (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12226 MHzV5/627500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV MTV 00s. (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12226 MHzV5/627500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV MTV Hits. (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12226 MHzV5/627500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV club MTV. (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12226 MHzV5/627500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV MTV 80s. (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12226 MHzV5/627500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV MTV 90s. (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12226 MHzV5/627500DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Nat Geo Wild HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11766 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Cool (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11766 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Duna World / M4 Sport+ (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11766 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV ATV (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11766 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV RTL HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12034 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV RTL KETTO HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12034 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Love Nature HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12034 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV M2 HD (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12034 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV TV2 HD (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12034 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Nick Jr Czech (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12073 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Nickelodeon Czech (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12073 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Nickelodeon Hungary ( SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12073 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Nick Jr Hungary (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12073 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Nicktoons CZ (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12073 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV ducktv ( SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11938 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Disney Channel (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11938 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV STORY 4 SVT (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11938 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV BBC Earth HD (STV) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11938 MHzH7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV TV2Klub (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12265 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Prime (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12265 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV SuperTV2 (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12265 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV TV4 (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11919 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV M5 (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11919 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV TV2 Sef (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11919 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV RTL HAROM (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11958 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Sorozat+ (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11958 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Muzsika TV (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11958 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV RTL GOLD (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11958 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Minimax (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11958 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    PAY TV Spektrum Home (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11958 MHzV7/828000DVB-S / QPSK
    FTA TV8 (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12111 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Film+ HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12111 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Vixen HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12111 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Senzi (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12111 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Filmbox Stars CZ (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12111 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV JimJam (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12111 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Filmbox Basic (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12149 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Duna HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12149 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV M4 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12149 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Sport 2 HD (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12149 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV JOJ Sport HD (SVT) (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12149 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Jednotka HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Dvojka HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Markiza HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV 24 (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV JOJ HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Plus HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Dajto HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV CT 1 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Slager Original (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12054 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV CT 2 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV PREMIER SPORT 2 SK HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Epic Drama HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Nova Sport 4 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Eurosport 1 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Eurosport 2 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV HBO HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV NGC HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV FilmBox Premium HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Markiza Klasik (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV FightBox (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV DocuBox (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Eroxxx (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11977 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Prima Krimi HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Markiza Krimi (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Kino Barrandov (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV HBO 2 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV TV Folklorika (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV JOJ Svet HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV DVTV EXTRA (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV PREMIER SPORT 1 CZ HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV HBO 3 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Viasat Explore HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV TV Spark (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV CT 24 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Strike TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Nova Sport 3 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Food Network (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Premier Sport 3 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV TLC (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12245 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Cartoon Network (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Viasat Nature HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV TV Lux HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Nova Sport 2 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Sport 1 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Golf Channel (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Prima SK (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Doma HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Wau HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV JOJ Cinema HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Nova International (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Discovery Channel HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12380 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Disney Junior (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Cinemax HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Cinemax 2 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Tuki TV HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Fashion TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Film Europe (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Crime and Investigation (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV TA3 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Viasat History HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV MEN.TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Dusk TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Prima LOVE SK (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)11747 MHzH3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Film+ SK (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12527 MHzH3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Prima COOL SK (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12527 MHzH3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Spektrum SK HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12527 MHzH3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV AMC SK HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12527 MHzH3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Nova Sport 6 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12527 MHzH3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Arena Sport HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12456 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Animal Planet HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12456 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Nova Sport 5 SK HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12456 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Nova Sport 1 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12456 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV Travel Channel HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12456 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV ID (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12456 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV TV RiK (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12456 MHzV3/430000DVB-S2 / 8PSK
    PAY TV CNN Prima News HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12563 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV CS Film (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12563 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV CT D/ CT Art HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12563 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV JOJ 24 HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12563 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV SPORT HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12563 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12563 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Auto Motor Sport (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Travel XP (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV CNN (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV CANAL+ Sport HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Filmbox Extra HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Filmbox Family (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV DIGI Infokanal (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV CANAL+ Action HD (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Lala TV (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK
    PAY TV Ocko (TV)Thor 5/6/7 a Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W)12607 MHzV3/528800DVB-S2 / QPSK